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Buying a Quality Utility Landscape Trailer

If you plan on having a trailer for many years and using it nearly every day, you'll want to pay attention to a few ways some trailer manufacturers make trailers less expensive. There is no substitute for the right materials. The right materials cost a little more. Landscape trailers are mostly a steel frame. In general, the heavier the frame, the better the trailer. Pay close attention to the size and thickness of the metal frame used including frame rails and cross rails that support the deck. Also, check the way the tongue attaches to the rectangle part of the frame. Does the tongue frame dead end into that part of the trailer of does it wrap around underneath and support the front of the trailer deck?

Gross vehicle weight is an easy one for most people. You probably know what you need to haul at least for now. If you have the choice to buy an 18 ft landscape trailer with 5,000 lb axles or 3,500 lb axles, go for the heavier, even if you don't need it now. It's usually not an expensive option. Some day you may want the extra weight carrying capability. Also, if you ever want to resell the trailer, the extra capacity may be a selling point.

Trailer gates are also another part of the trailer if not built with the right materials will not last long. Most landscape trailers have a one or two piece gate. Again, the size of the framing is important. Most manufacturers can tell you how much weight a trailer gate can hold. This leads us to the type of expanded metal used to cover the gate. Light gauge expanded metal will break. Some gauges are so light that the welds holding the metal to the gate rails break. Pay close attention to the expanded metal used on the trailers you are comparing.

Trailer tires are sometimes looked over. There are actually tires made for trailers. Like all tires, you must have the correct weight carrying ability. Some trailer manufacturers slap on used tires that last about a year before you're replacing them. Dual axle trailers skid the tires going around turns. A normal passenger tire will not stand up as well as an actual trailer tire.

Make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Safety items like break away kits for larger trailers may be added on at the dealer. It's pretty rare anymore, but you wouldn't want to have to pay extra for it thinking it's included in the price when you're comparing. LED lights, while more expensive than standard lights, are very popular because the lights themselves last. LED lights are just one less thing to worry about. Wiring is another area that is sometimes overlooked. Check to make sure wiring is secured in some sort of conduit. Wire connections should be waterproof. Do not buy a trailer with simple crimp on connections at the wire joints. Be aware that there are crimp connections that you heat up to form a water tight seal. Those would be fine.

Utility Landscape Trailer Manufacturers